Monday, January 26, 2009

More Hornby love

I came across another Hornby groupie today - it seems that everyone loves Nick Hornby's Shakespeare Wrote For Money. As a result, I went back to my review of Nick Hornby, thinking that I could do a proper review of the book. The previous post really is more of an unabashed book crush. However, the only words available to me were "Yes!" and "Bonnie, I'm going out to buy some books. I'll be back in a few hours." Which is why I liked the review from Things Mean A Lot: "[H]is reading philosophy is pretty much the same as mine... [w]hich actually makes it harder to write about this book, because I’m tempted to just post 40 passages with a few comments like “Yes!”, “Exactly!”, “Go Nick!” or “Bwahahaha” scattered here and there." It's funny because it's true. Go get this book so that you either a) know what I'm talking about or b) don't have to listen to me prattle on about Nick Hornby.

1 comment:

Ana S. said...

Hornby groupie, eh? Well, there is no denying it :P I'm glad you liked my review!